Zimbabwe's own professional, reliable and efficient construction company

Vavaki Construction

Build Your Dream

Quality Services


Vavaki Consultants have a unique style to their project and contract management. We have efficiently delivered warehouses, fuel stations, shopping centres etc.

Residential Construction

Vavaki Consultants has established its reputation building residential projects that are replicas to their 3Ds.

Project Management

Our team offers project managers that give projects a better chance of being on time, to specification and within budget.


Committed Good Corporate Citizenship

Vavaki is committed to being a good corporate citizen though its contribution to the community and  environment.  We employ locally, offer graduate opportunities and  grow at least 1000 trees yearly

We Follow Best Practices

Vavaki stays up to date with the industry technology and incorporates sustainable practices in the execution of its works

our team

We Have made a lasting impact in the construction industry of Zimbabwe

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Frequently Asked Questions

Vavaki Consultants  encourages its clients to get a  bill of quantities done by a professional Quantity Surveyor to establish the cost of building materials and average labour estimates .

This depends on whether its a fix and supply contract or milestone payment arrangements. If it’s a fix and supply contract the client pays the full amount and leaves the contractor to execute. if its a milestone arrangement then the client pays per milestone completed